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Create a mutation

Unlike queries, mutations are typically used to create/update/delete data or perform server side-effects. You can use MutationBuilder or useMutation to create a mutation.

  MutationBuilder<Map<String, dynamic>, dynamic, Map<String, dynamic>, dynamic>(
(variables) {
return Future.delayed(
const Duration(seconds: 5),
() => {
'name': variables['name'],
'email': variables['email'],
'password': variables['password'],
builder: (context, mutation) {
/* ... */

MutationBuilder or useMutation requires 4 type arguments to provide proper type intellisense and type-safety. This might seem overwhelming but at the end of the day saves time and effort. The type arguments are as follows in order:

  1. DataType - The type of the data returned by the mutation function
  2. ErrorType - The type of the error returned by the mutation function
  3. VariablesType - The type of the variables passed to the mutation function
  4. RecoveryType - The type of the data returned by the onMutate callback and to be passed on onSuccess & onError callback. Which can be used to recover from an error and continue the mutation flow.


MutationBuilder or useMutation comes with some helper parameters that allow quick and easy side-effects at any stage during the mutation lifecycle. These come in handy for both invalidating and refetching queries after mutations and even optimistic updates

MutationBuilder<Map<String, dynamic>, dynamic, Map<String, dynamic>, String>(
(variables) {
return Future.delayed(
const Duration(seconds: 5),
() => {
'name': variables['name'],
'email': variables['email'],
'password': variables['password'],
onMutate: (variables) {
print('onMutate: $variables');
return "Recover ME";
onData: (data, recoveryData) {
print('onData: $data');
print('recoveryData: $recoveryData');
onError: (error, recoveryData) {
print('onError: $error');
print('recoveryData: $recoveryData');
builder: (context, mutation) {
/* ... */

Learn how to use onMutate & Query.setData to implement optimistic updates

Refetch Queries and InfiniteQueries on successful mutation

MutationBuilder<Map<String, dynamic>, dynamic, Map<String, dynamic>, dynamic>(
/* ... */,
refreshQueries: const ['user-profile'],
refreshInfiniteQueries: const ['feeds'],


The MutationBuilder/useMutation returns a Mutation object that can be used to trigger the mutation and access the state of the mutation.


A mutation can only be in one of the following states at any given moment:

  • isInactive - The mutation is currently idle or in a fresh/reset state
  • isMutating - The mutation is currently running and performing the mutation

Beyond those primary states, more information is available depending on the state of the mutation:

  • hasError - If the mutation is in an error state, the error is available via the error property.
  • hasData - If the mutation is in a success state, the data is available via the data property.

Performing a mutation

You can use the Mutation.mutate method to trigger your mutation. The mutate method accepts a single variable or object as an argument. This variable or object will be passed to your mutation function.

await mutation.mutate({
'name': 'John Doe',
'email': '[email protected]'
'password': 'password',

The variables must be the type specified as VariableType in MutationBuilder or useMutation.

All mutations are by default asynchronous and immediately returns a Future with available data. But if you want to schedule the mutation in queue and wait for the result, you need to pass the scheduleToQueue: true parameter to the mutate method

await mutation.mutate(
'name': 'John Doe',
'email': '[email protected]'
'password': 'password',
scheduleToQueue: true,

Resetting a mutation

You can use the Mutation.reset method to reset the mutation to its initial state

await mutation.reset();

Dynamic key

You can use Dart's string interpolation to dynamically generate the key for a mutation. This is useful when you want separate mutations that has same data type but are triggered by different events.

MutationBuilder<Map<String, dynamic>, dynamic, Map<String, dynamic>, dynamic>(
(variable) => auth.signUp(variable, provider: authProvider),
builder: (context, mutation) {
/* ... */

For every authProvider a new mutation will be created and will be cached separately. Which are also isolated from each other.

Btw, authProvider and auth.signUp are imaginary variables and methods